Friday, February 14, 2020

Failures of Cross Border Mega Mergers Research Paper

Failures of Cross Border Mega Mergers - Research Paper Example According to Ghemawat and Ghadar (2000), global mergers are made for a completely misguided and wrong reason. I support the arguments that the two authors advanced in their article,’ dubious logic of global mega-mergers. Nothing more explains the wrong reasoning behind the mergers except the levels of their failures. There much that should, therefore, guide international businesses while considering an international merger. This paper provides illustrations to support my position on this matter. Failures in cross border mega-mergers Ghemawat and Ghadar (2000) argues that the wisdom of the ‘winner takes it all’ in globalization and mega-mergers is misplaced and has no empirical evidence to support it. The craze for globalization has had no significant impact on the financial strengths and growth of a given company. To them, there is a need for executives to stop pursuing the biases that have led them to make mega-mergers and cross border deals. Globalizations have different facets, which are more economically viable as opposed to needless expansion. Cross border mergers are viewed by investment analysts as a way of making entries into a foreign market, and several reasons explain the high number of cross border mega-mergers around the globe. However, the high number of failures and low business experienced after international mergers strengthen the stand taken by Ghemawat and Ghadar (2000). The significant number of cross border mega failure has resulted in increased studies to ascertain whether the craze for acquisition and mergers is outplaced. Ghemawat and Ghadar (2000) are of the view that the increased number of crossed border mergers and acquisitions are a waste of resources and time to the companies as they are bound to fail. The process of expansion into new borders and foreign lands has a number of economic factors that need to be put into consideration. These include the foreign currency of operation, the socio-cultural and politica l set up of the nation and the political stability; therefore, any organization must factor in all these factors before making a step towards acquisition and mergers in foreign states (Sudekum, 2009). In cross border mergers, companies that have their headquarters and operation bases in different countries and regions come together and merge their operations, this results into the merger of different political and social settings that affect the operations of a business. Political, social and economic differences between countries make globalization and cross border mergers a tough undertaking. Differences in the fiscal policies also present a number of challenges to companies operating in foreign settings. The harmonization of fiscal policies even in the European Union has not created a business environment that is economically and politically homogenous. International labor laws in organizations also differ significantly. This present challenges to companies operating in new econo mic and political setups (Hughes, 2012). In the process of finalizing cross border mergers, companies tend to overlook essential factors and this has created failures in a number of mega-mergers.

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Musical Concert Summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Musical Concert Summary - Essay Example My preference for music 'intelligent' music was the other but not minor factor. The concert took place at the Campus Center lobby, on Sunday, November 11 and was scheduled to start at 3:15pm. The Trombone Ensemble and Jazz band under the direction of Ronald Stitt presented a total of twelve pieces, with the Trombone Ensemble presenting three and the lively Jazz band the other nine. I arrived to find an almost packed Campus Center Lobby and was soon convinced that this concert was going to be good. The Trombone Ensemble comprising of retired Professor Emeritus of History, Jonathan Helmreich along with some students opened the evening with J.S Bach's "Chorale". As the soul stirring piece filled my being, I took in the intense yet relaxing ambience the melody had created. Clad in their black and white tuxedos, the Ensemble displayed great artistry and mastery of their instruments. The night reached a crescendo for me with the second piece, Mozart's' famous "Ave Verum Corpus". This was already my favorite Mozart work and the performance of the Ensemble was most breathtaking. They rounded up the first half of the concert with another good performance, the Hooper and Magliocco piece "So, You Wanna Play Trombone," After an interlude, the Allegheny College Jazz band opened with Carl Strommen's "The Opener", this lively start ensued for the rest of the performance as the Jazz Band continued with "I remember Clifford" by the soloist Mike Faix, Christina Dastolfo's "In the Wee Small Hours". The concert closed with a standing ovation after the performance of "Superstition", a Mike Tomaro piece. An encore performance of Mozart's "Ave Verum Corpus" was given by the Trombone Ensemble. Concert 2: Recital IV with Pianist Alec Chien My experience with Jazz band and the Trombone experience was rivaled by an earlier episode at Pianist Alec Chien's performance of Beethoven's 32 piano sonatas. The concert which took place at Allegheny College's Shafer Auditorium, was a sixth in a seven-concert series featuring, Chien who was Artist in Residence at Allegheny College. Professor Chien's demonstration of his mastery of Beethoven's work started a little after the pre-announced 7 pm, because the turnout had be underestimated and provisions had to be made to accommodate the eager guests. The last in the series of events is scheduled to be concluded with another free concert in the spring of 2008 at the same venue. The program started with Sonata Number 5 in C Minor, Opus 10 Number1; Chien standing briefly under the lights, bowed briefly before he sat, his delicate touch running through the keys as he concluded this number reminded me of my very first reaction to Beethoven's work; listening, hardly breathing and startled. Chien progressed with the Sonata No. 6 in F Major, Opus 10, No 2 and the Sonata No 7 in D Major, Opus 10, No 3. He delivered with pomp and a nostalgic finality Beethoven's last piano sonata, the Sonata No 32 in C Minor, Opus 111. Chien's performance was greeted by three standing ovations. The concert which was to celebrate Allegheny College family week, left me motivated, spirited and saddened. For me, Beethoven's Sonata's seemed to indicate a familiar despair prevalent in today's world. Chien himself seemed completely taken over by mixed emotions as he took a bow before the applauding audience. Overview The